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Product updates
July 1, 2024

Product Release Notes for June 2024

Charlene Acson
Technical Writer
Translations are provided by machine translation. In the event of any discrepancy, inconsistency or inconsistency between the translation provided and the English version, the English version shall prevail.
Table of contents


We are excited to announce the latest feature release of Octo! This update is filled with new features and improvements, all aimed at enhancing your overall experience.

In this update, we have focused on improving performance, streamlining usability, and introducing innovative features to empower you to achieve even more with Octo. Our dedicated team has worked diligently, taking your feedback and integrating your valuable suggestions to ensure this version offers you the best experience.

Take a look at the main highlights of this release to discover how Octo can help you stay ahead of the curve!

Revamped “Select a Period” Feature

We're thrilled to announce some exciting updates. Our team has been working hard, creating new features and improvements to enhance your experience. Are you ready to explore? Let's dive in!

First off, we've spruced up the "Select a Period" feature. Now, choosing a date is as easy as pie with our new calendar selection. You can simply click on the dates in the calendar, making it more intuitive and quicker.

Directly Select Date from the Calendar

The Magical “Fix End Date” Feature

Ever wish you could lock in an end date and work backward? Well, now you can with our new “Fix End Date” feature. 

How is it applied?

Imagine it’s May 17, 2024 and you want to set the end date to May 14, 2024. Choose a quick selection of “7 days”, and viola: 

  • Without Fixed End Date: The end date moves to May 16, 2024, with the start date on May 10, 2024.
  • With Fixed End Date: The end date stays firm at May 14, 2024, and the start date shifts to May 8, 2024.
Fix End Date

New Quick Selection Options

We’ve also given the quick date range selection options a makeover. Now you’ve got more choices to play with, and the text is more precise than ever.  More options, more fun!

See Octo's Quick Selection Option

Cost Group Page - Supercharged

Your overview chart has been enhanced! It now displays the variance from the previous period alongside the total amount. For instance, if you are reviewing data from May 1 to May 17, 2024 (17 days), it will be compared with the previous period of April 14 to April 30, 2024 (17 days). This improvement allows for easier comparison and analysis.

See our New Cost Groups Page

See the Change at a Glance

We have made updates to streamline your cost analysis. These updates focus on enhancing the Cost Summary Page. Let's take a look at the key improvements.

We've added a useful feature to our data table that displays the percentage change compared to the previous period. This allows you to easily identify cost trends without any hassle. What's more, the previous period matches the current one in length. So, if you're viewing May 1 to May 17, 2024 (17 days), it will be compared with April 4, 2024 to April 30, 2024, which is the previous period.

Enhanced Cost Group Summary Page

Hover for Details

Need more precision? Hover over the "Cost" and "Percentage Change" values to see detailed figures up to eight decimal points. It's like having a magnifying glass for your data!

Detailed Costs and Percentage Changes

Download your Data

We've incorporated a data download feature, allowing you to easily save your table data as a CSV file for seamless report generation and analysis in other applications. No more manual copying and pasting - simply click and download.

Easy Download of Data

Quick Access from Dashboard

Accessing cost group pages is now quicker. Jump straight to a cost group page directly from the dashboard widget to save time and clicks.

Quick and Easy Access from Dashboard

New Grouping Types

We didn't stop there! These updates focus on even more usability improvements for the Cost Group Summary Page and a few exciting new features. 

We've introduced three new grouping types for your cost data: region, billing account, and vendor. This means more flexibility and better analysis. For example, if you select "Billing account," all sub-account costs will be combined with the linked paying account. Pretty neat, right?

Behold Octo's New Grouping Types!

Join the Octo Revolution!

Ready to supercharge your cost analysis and take your efficiency to the next level? Dive into Octo’s latest features and improvements from our June releases! With these new feature updates, you’ll have everything you need at the tip of your fingers. Plus, our new grouping types provide even more flexibility to your cost management. Don’t miss out on these cool updates- explore the new Octo features today and stay ahead of the curve. 

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